

My Brave Tiger

Yesterday was not a happy day for my Tiger.

Something went wrong in her little Tiger belly, causing much sadness and pain. This pain was horrible enough that my Tiger lost consciousness while battling it.

A terrified Cackle Mummy and Daddy Bear took their little girl to hospital for only the second time in her usually healthy little life.

At the hospital, some kind nurses and a simply wonderful doctor gave Tiger a good checking out. They decided that something in Tiger's new Big Girl diet had caused the pain, and the loss of consciousness was a reaction to the pain and nothing more serious.

The fact that Tiger smiled and giggled and wiggled the entire time she was at hospital might have had something to do with this diagnosis.

I'd like to express my thanks to everyone at the LGH who dealt so gently and kindly with my girl. They were obviously busy but took the time to make Tiger feel special, even as she felt at her worst.

We took our little brave darling home with instructions to keep a close eye on her and check in with a GP next week.

I was so very proud of Tiger yesterday. Despite having no sleep, she was happy and cooperative with the nurses even as they took blood and listened to her chest with a cold thermometer and wrapped monitors around her little toes. She never grizzled once. 

My girl is tough.

Cackle Mummy wasn't so tough. Inside, her heart was shattering in a million tiny pieces for her little girl. There is actually nothing in this world worse than seeing your baby in pain. It is something I don't want to see again for ... well ... ever. But I learned a lesson in parenting yesterday. Even though I wanted to scream and cry and call all panic stations, on the outside I stayed calm for my Tiger because I knew I had to hold it together for her. I'm guessing I'll do this many more times as she gets older.

I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who expressed concern about my girl yesterday. I gave her every one of your messages and she knew how loved and valued she is. I am so grateful to the little community - online and in "the real world" - that we have wrapped around us. When your child is sick it can feel like such a lonely, scary time. Your words made me feel as if I wasn't alone. And that helped immeasurably.

Meanwhile, after we were discharged, I took Tiger for a walk to settle her and, when she woke again, we went to the park and sat in a sunbeam. Tiger played with her new toys and smiled and giggled and I was in awe of her. No time for feeling sorry for yourself when there are toys to play with and trees to look up at.

And last night we went out to Former Employer Bookshop and had our portraits drawn by Talented Illustrator Friend (AKA Miss B), and Tiger charmed everyone at FE Bookshop with her sunniness and sweetness, and I was so proud again. I have done nothing to make this girl the utterly incredible little thing she is. It's all her. I am so unbelievably blessed.

My girl is not only lovely. She is the loveliest.

I am the luckiest.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


Sally O said...

Glad she's OK again. Funny thing, that "pass out" response. Son hit his head when he was two and passed out. Carried limp son into doctor's offic. Limp son draped on couch. Doctor peeled back eyelid. "Not unconscious. Asleep", was the verdict.
"???" said I."!!!"
"His response to the shock," said the doctor. "He'll wake up when he feels like it."
And he did.

Wendy Orr said...

Scary times - glad she's okay now. And amazing story, Sally! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could keep some childhood survival instincts.

Shirley Patton said...

I had a new system installed on my computer at Mac shop and so been off FB for a couple of days and only just read this Kate. So scary. So glad that Tiger - and parents - have recovered.

Dani said...

Tiger is a product of her parents, she wouldn't be so incredibly lovely if it weren't for their amazing selves and how awesome they are.

Miss Cackle said...

I think we just got lucky, Dani! But thank you.

Miss Cackle said...

Thank you, Shirley!

Miss Cackle said...

Thanks, Wendy!

Miss Cackle said...

What an amazing story, Sally!

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