

Magic Monday

It's easy to get bogged down in the yucky things.

Even if you try your darndest, as I do, to pay attention to all that is lovely and magical about the world, some particularly trying days life just gets on top of you.

I had one of those days yesterday. A migraine, a broken tumble dryer, a sore chest and a lingering feeling of erk conspired to make me, well, a bit of a grumpy gremlin really.

But then, Tiger, Husband Bear and I went for a walk in the sunshine. We went to the park and we sat below a tree and we watched as our little girl gazed up at the dappling light between the leaves and played with grass and was fascinated by sticks, and HB and I chatted about this and that and enjoyed our little sunbeaming nook of the world ...

And the erk faded.

Later, we went coffee-shopping and for a drive down the beautiful, sparkling river and then we went supermarketeering and, in all of this, there was so much magic.

It only takes a small thing - a sunbeam or a smiling baby or, in Tiger's case, a particularly enthralling stick - to turn a frowning day into a smiling one.

This morning, for me, it was my little girl doing her valiant best to sit up all by her little self. She's close. I think she could do it, but she loses confidence after a while and hurls herself backwards with frightening velocity. So we only try it when Mummy is there to catch her when she falls. This morning, though, as we read together while the sun rose, she sat up by her little self for the full duration of Hairy MacLary's Bone.

She's getting there, my brave, determined, clever little poppet.
And watching her as she does is perfectly magic.

I'd love it if you'd share some of your magic with me and everyone who reads this blog. You never know, it could be your magic moment that makes someone else's day a smiling one.

And wouldn't that be lovely?

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


Miss Cackle said...

Steve: For most Mondays means back to work, but for DLR (Darling Loving Partner) and I it is Coffee Club Day. Today, like most Mondays, we will take Evie, the little white car, into Glenorchy, not noted as a coffee hot spot in normal circumstances, and after doing our chores, we will settle in at the Coffee Club for a break. My DLP and I will chat, make plans and watch our favourite waitress, a lovely blonde young thing, with a glorious eye smile, buzz around trying to make each customer's Monday, well, magic.

Anonymous said...

Today's magic moments:
1. Realising that there is only 11 more days until I am officially on 'big' holidays;
2. Friend at work got a new position - and he will rock it!;
3. Got home early and eldest daughter was planning risotto for dinner and din't want any help;
4. Australia's tail wagged (in the cricket).

Thanks Miss C!

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