

Tiger's Big Announcement!

After about a month of trying, a single-minded fixation bordering on obsession, many hundreds of failed attempts and a few failure-induced tears, Tiger would like to announce ...


It happened this morning, at around five thirty am. Those who are following this blog might notice that, on the two days preceding this Day Of Rolling, Tiger went straight back to sleep. This did not happen today (so is it NOT a thing, after all???). I think, perhaps, Tiger had a little inkling of what was to come.

After her feed, Tiger was already itching to roll. She even tried to roll out of her Bouncy (eek!)!

She did not want cuddles.

She did not want a story, even though it was her favourite.

She wanted only to go on her mat and TRY TO ROLL!

And try she did. Half an hour, much grunting and grizzling and almost-theres and  just-a-bit-furthers ... 

Mummy sat beside her, cheering her on. "Go, Tigesy! Go!"

FINALLY, the arm made it to just the right angle, the legs pushed just hard enough, the momentum was just the right amount and ...


And I'd like to say my little girl was thrilled to have completed her mission. I'd like to say she gave me a big grin, full of pride.


Instead, Tiger was so shocked at her achievement she promptly burst into tears and needed a cuddle. And then was so exhausted she had to go straight to sleep.

But never mind. She did it.

And she might do it again in an hour or not for another week but my little girl did it. And I am so proud. She is so brave and determined and so very, very lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


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