

FFS Friday

I always have a little trifle of trouble doing this post.

I mean, sure, there are things in my week that aren't so sunny. There are things that make me very sad. Sometimes, I cry. But there aren't many things that make me angry enough to exclaim FFS (For Fish-fingers Sake)!

This week, however, was a week in which I shut myself very briefly in the bathroom and yelled an expletive at the top of my lungs, before Getting My Smile On and returning to Tiger. It was better than an hour of Zen meditation. And no, it wasn't something Tiger had done that made me curse so revoltingly. It was just one of those "everything-that-can-possibly-go-wrong-does-and-massively" days, and Mama needed to cuss.

I think it was knocking the blue-thing-that-squirts-the-green-thing on my head while cleaning the toilet that was the straw that made the Cackle Mummy go sweary.

It may also have been tripping over the power cord or spilling almond milk all over myself or upending my rice crackers on the floor ...

Yes, it was just One Of Those Days.

But here are some other things that have made me go a bit fish-fingers this week.

Yesterday, a charming young fellow from "up the road" not only urinated on the church in front of me, but yelled I could "Go and get *coughs* 'fish-fingersed'" when I had the audacity to, um, keep walking by, head averted. With my baby. FFS

The rewiring job that was meant to take a day and a half has now stretched to three days. That's three days of no sleep for my Tiges, three days of the house looking like a war zone, three days of bangy, crashy, yelly, ALL OF THE NOISE. Cackle Mummy and Tiger would very much like it to stop now, please. FFS

The options for Tessie's "yummies" (code name for solids) at six months in the Rafferty's Garden range are "meat, meat, meat, chocolate custard, meat". And no, we are not planning on raising Tiger as a veggo, but we're not ready to start her on meat yet and we don't want to give her chocolate. SO we've had to change to "Organic Bubs", which have funky things like "Quinoa" (Tiger Laughs whenever I say that, as if I'm in a martial arts movie: "KeeeeeNWAH!!!") and "comgee" and porridge with mango in it. This is only a sort-of FFS as I liked the Rafferty's Garden stuff, but Organic Bubs seems good too.

Tiger's Big Paws Are Big. Hence all the little socks I just bought are now too little and a whole new lot of bigger little socks had to be bought. These will be too little in, oh, about a week. My girl is going to be a basketballer! Sort-of-FFS

And, erm, I ran out of brussels sprouts at dinner last night and I wanted brussels sprouts? Also-sort-of-FFS

Oh, and Samantha Jade won X Factor and I didn't want her to win But-in-the-scheme-of-like-the-war-in-the-Gaza-strip-not-so-FFS

And ... that's all I got. I'm terrible at this. I promise next week I'll try much harder to find All Of The Fish-Fingersness, but, see, when I look at my little girl, trying her darndest to roll in the Other Direction, or when I'm hugging her while listening to Josh Ritter or Clare Bowditch, it's so hard to find anything to be angry about. I mean, yes, she's teething and, yes, she's finding it hard to sleep, but they're not angry things, are they? They are sad-my-girl-is-hurting things. They do make me cry, but not in anger, in heart-hurt for my tiny brave Tiger.

Yes, there have been fish-fingery things this week but, in the scheme of things, it's been lovely.

I promise next week, I'll do better!

~ Love, Miss Cackle

PS Get some better FFSness at


Unknown said...

SO happy you also say keeenwhah! HB and I had a huge argument about this, and after he spent an hour of googling he declared I was indeed right and it is pronounced keeeenwhah. Have a lovely weekend x

Miss Cackle said...

Do you say it like Bruce Lee too? :o)

ann said...

I say it as it is written. Lucky I have never said it out loud!!

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