

Perfect "Imperfection"

Tessa has a freckle.

It's her first one, on her thigh. It was discovered while doing a nappy change and Cackle Mummy shed a little tear.

A First Freckle is a Very Big Deal.

Of course, the freckle isn't the only mark on my Tiger's gorgeous skin, as those who have met her know.

My Tiger has a "strawberry". It's a dark pink mark on the top of her little fuzzy head and I love it to bits and pieces.

Not everybody feels the same as I do, though.

I've lost count of the number of people who've asked, nose wrinkled, "What's that thing on her head" or, even worse, "Are you going to have it removed?"

No. Of course. I'm. Flipping. Not.

Unless, of course, it ever causes her pain or discomfort. Then, I'll have it whipped off in a second. But the mark is high on her head. It will be under her hair when she finally grows some. By the time she gets to school (where, yes, "kids can be cruel"), it will be well-and-truly hidden.

There is no way on this earth that I'd put my Tiger through unnecessary pain.

And besides, it is part of her - as integral to who she is as her big blue eyes or perfect rosebud mouth.

I think it's beautiful. 

And the fact that people think I should have it removed, and put my baby through pain in the process, so she could be more "perfect"? That, to me, is the real ugliness.

Tiger is lovely just as she is. Strawberry, first freckle and all.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


Emma K said...

I remember being quite upset when my girl got her first freckle, which was on her arm. Like I hadn't protected her enough from the sun. But I did get more upset when people would question her birthmark on her arm. Like I'd hurt her or something. And considering the number of times I've been to the hospital/doctor's with her and get asked EVERY TIME, I now just sigh and explain.

Miss Cackle said...

Yes, I have absolutely no idea how Tiger got a freckle on her thigh, which is NEVER uncovered!!!

Amy said...

Both Millie and Pippa have strawberry marks In a few spots, and they're the cutest things ever. I'd never change them, my girls are perfect as they are. X

Miss Cackle said...

Yes, they flipping well are :o)

Anonymous said...

Strawberry marks on baby heads run in our family. My nephew and my daughter both had/ have one - in EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE!!!! It made them feel very special to share that attribute. :)

Miss Cackle said...

That's gorgeous! They run in our family too - my brother had one and so did Husband Bear's brother!

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