

The One Thing I Need To Stop Now I'm A Mum

Last night I read a great post on iVillage UK on Ten Things You Need To Stop Now You're A Parent.

I agree with all the suggestions on the list, completely. And the only one of them I'm all good on is "Being a potty-mouthed driver". Um, but only because I don't drive.

Of course I need to stop being too proud to ask for help. I'm working on letting go of having an even vaguely tidy house and yes I need to realise I'm not going to have good hair for the next, oh, eighteen years. But then I never really had good hair to begin with.

I've already sort of drifted away from friends who "don't get" the way I'm parenting Tiger (or, in actual fact, have downright criticised the way I'm looking after her). The partying thing was easy. I got over being a social butterfly when I was about twenty, and gave in to my inner homebody.

The item on the list I most need to come to terms with is the last one. I need to stop berating myself for not being perfect. 

In fact, I need to stop with all the negative self talk. Full stop. I need to stop hating on my appearance. I need to stop telling myself I'm worthless and talentless and generally a failure at everything I attempt. I need to stop thinking that I need to stop talking because people don't want to hear what I have to say.

I need to stop hearing every criticism as "you suck at ALL OF THE THINGS".

I want Tiger to have a strong, capable, self-assured mother. Because I want her to be a strong, capable, self-assured girl. So I need to model it for her. Starting now. 

Maybe I need to start telling myself I am lovely.

Because I want Tiger to know that about herself.

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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