

Millions Of Peaches ... Peaches For Free!

My big girl.

I know I say ALL OF THE ACTUAL TIME how much I can't believe how quickly Tiger is growing up, but I really, really, really felt it yesterday.

Daddy Bear and Tiger emerged from a little turn about the garden, with a very precious find.

A lovely, ripe, fuzzy (in a way that reminded me, sweetly, of Tiger's funny, fuzzy little head), straight-off-the-tree peach.

And, after he took a bite himself, Daddy Bear held the gorgeous little fruit to Tiger's gorgeous little mouth.

And she opened up.

And took a big bite with her two little teeth.

And then she gummied up the bite of peach and she swallowed it.

All. By. Her. Little. Self.

Later, (after stealing a few Very Big Girl licks of a special ice cream treat in the park), Daddy Bear chopped up another peach and Tigesy FED IT TO HERSELF WITH HER OWN LITTLE HAND.

Daddy Bear and I are already planning sandwich fillings, and how Tiger might have a couple of small bites of our dinner when we go out as a family for Valentine's Day.

Because she is Big Now, so she can do that, you know. 

And, in the meantime, we have a tree positively bursting with peaches. 

Millions of them. For free. For Tigesy.

How lovely is that?

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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