

Sublime Happiness ... and Sneetches!


It doesn't take much to make me sublimely happy.

Last night I had one of the most beautiful moments in my entire life. And the moment did not occur in a fancy restaurant. It did not occur in an exotic location. I wasn't wearing designer clothes. I was in my pyjamas and I was sitting on the couch in my home in a regional city in Tasmania. I wasn't hanging out with celebrities or luminaries.

I was with my Tiger and her Daddy Bear.

And we weren't drinking Moet and partying with the rich and famous.

We were reading Dr Seuss.

Tiger and Daddy Bear and I curled up on the couch together and Daddy Bear and I read about Sneetches and beaches and a naughty monkey and how some had “stars upon thars” and how some didn't and Tiger giggled and cooed and loved every minute of her little family and the couch and stories and love.

She felt how much we adored her and she was utterly, serenely blissful in the comfortable cocoon of our love.

It was simple. It was beautiful. And if I could spend every night doing just exactly what I did last night – Tiger, Bear, couch, Dr Seuss – I would be ridiculously happy.

I am such a lucky girl. It was just sublimely lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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