


According to our Parenting Book of Shadows, at nine months, Tiger will "begin to get annoyed about stuff".

I'm paraphrasing here. The PBoS puts it much more ... delicately. But the meaning is the same. And, oh boy, am I beginning to see it! Especially when it comes to Things Tiger is Holding.

Me: Tiger, we might just take SantaMouse (i.e. Favourite Toy. Possibly not a mouse. Possibly an elephant. We have never been entirely sure.) so we can have out breakky.
Tiger: Oh. I do not THINK so, Mummy. MY SANTAMOUSE.

Me: Tiger, can I just have the spoon so I can feed you your dinner?
Tiger: Are you actually kidding me? MY SPOON.

Me: Tiger, I don't think you should be eating that clump of grass.
Tiger: Oh yeah? Watch me. MY ACTUAL GRASS.

Tiger is just starting to get little ideas of what is HERS and what she WANTS and what she will be MIGHTILY ANNOYED IF YOU TRY TO STEAL FROM HER. Thankfully, she also has quite a short attention span and is easily distracted. So MY SHOE, WHICH I WILL PUT IN MY MOUTH can quite easily be changed to MY TEETHY NECKLACE, WHICH IS QUITE SAFE TO PUT IN MY MOUTH.

It's brilliant, watching her begin to assert her independence and individuality and - oh gosh - AUTHORITY. Whoda ever thunk we'd get this far.

MY baby is LOVELY!

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


Nalini Haynes said...

At about 9 or 10 months of age, Daniel crawled towards a pot plant on the floor. I stood on the other side of the room watching him. Crawl, crawl, crawl. Pause. Reaches out to grab leaves, pauses mid-extension, before actually grabbing hold of leaves. Looks around, carefully checking to see if he's being observed. Sees me. Puts hand back down and crawls away as if he never meant to grab the pot plant, overall his crawl trajectory inscribed an arc.

It was exactly at that moment that I realised Daniel had absolute and full knowledge of when he was being naughty. No doubts remained.

Miss Cackle said...

Yep, I've reached this realisation too, Nalini!

vicki Lovell said...

So you have successfully kept her alive and healthy and pretty darn happy so far! She is one gorgeous little precious and just bursting with health and confidence!

Now comes the hard part ... managing behaviour! She will be pretty feisty, I reckon. And you might have some fights along the way. I don't think she will be as easy and as compliant as her mum was! You will need to let her know where the boundaries are. And I just know you and Daddy Bear will figure it out brilliantly.

Much love, Grandma.

Miss Cackle said...

Oh she's a cheeky girl already! She has learned the word "no" ... and that she need pay it no heed whatsoever :o)

theigirls said...

ahhhhhhh Kate , I so love reading what your going through , it just gets better and better and more and more challenging and so much fun..

Miss Cackle said...

It is ENORMOUS fun, Lisa :o)

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