

Letting Go

This morning, in the silvery dawning light, I held my still-sleepy baby girl tightly in my arms and kissed her fuzzy head as she made the noises of waking.

I stroked her hair. I kissed the funny little strawberry mark I love so much. 

I smiled at her.

She smiled back.

Her eyes were so, so blue.

"Ngah," she said. "I love you," I replied.

And in that moment I didn't give an Actual Hoot that I didn't do the vacuuming, or that we did not, in fact, do any packing while Daddy Bear was on holiday, or that the house is a bombsite, or that I had washing backed up, or that the kitchen floor needs mopping ...

I let it go.

I gave in to just loving her.

I let myself just be. Just enjoy her and not worry about the bad stuff.

Because I have all I need in that little smile and those big blue eyes and those squishy little arms.

She is everything.

She is a gift and a privilege and so, so, so, so ...


~ Love, Miss Cackle


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