

While You Were Hobbiting

Daddy Bear went to see The Hobbit.

By himself.

Even though he knows The Hobbit is my favourite Tolkien novel. Even though, when we first got together, we bonded over a shared love of Narnia and Middle Earth (yes, we are that cool - we used to do Live Action Mediaeval Re-enactments, too ...). 

Even though he knows I love Martin Freeman. Even though he knows I REALLY WANTED TO SEE IT!

But, as I waved him goodbye on his little adventure, surprisingly, I didn't begrudge him it. Surprisingly, I didn't feel hard-done-by or slighted. 

A year ago, I would have.

I've changed.

I was happy that Daddy Bear got to have his little treat of a film he'd been looking forward to, and the cheapest combo available (we are not rich people). And I was more than content to stay exactly where I was.

With Tiger.

And I've heard all of the arguments, about how I need time to myself, and my own life and hobbies and to "get away" from my baby for awhile and yada yada yada but, see, the thing is ...

I really don't want to.

I love spending time with her, much more than I would love a movie. I know that sounds bizarre to those of you who know the old me, who sometimes watched a movie a day when I worked at a cinema. But now, I just know that no matter how good the film was, I'd spend those hours in the darkness wishing I was with her.

One day soon, Tiger will want to see movies. Then, I'll go again. I'll share my love of cinema with her as she grows up, just as I'm now sharing my love of reading and (with our very first trip to a gallery last week), art.

I'm looking forward to that.

For now, I'm happy for DB to go To The Cinema And Back Again, whenever he wants.

I'll stay here, playing on the floor with a squeaky giraffe and a giant set of keys and I will truly feel happier than I ever have before.

Because hobbits may be awesome. But nobody is as lovely as my girl.

And, plus, I'll just watch it on DVD.

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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