

(Not Actually) FFS Friday

It just seems wrong doing an FFS Friday post this week, when so many in my state have lost so much - their homes, their workplaces, their schools, beloved pets, memories.

Thankfully, at this stage, it looks like no lives have been lost.

It's times like these that any small problems in my life seem miniscule. 

I have my health - sure I've had a few minor ailments lately, but compared with what many people suffer, I'm hale and hearty.

I have a gorgeous baby girl who brightens my life every day and amazes me with her cleverness and bravery and sweetness. Who hugs me and smiles at me and makes me laugh every day.

My baby girl has a daddy who would do anything for her.

I have a wonderful family - Tiger has a Gran and Granda and Poppy and Grandma and Nanna and Great Nan and Great Grandma and three brilliant uncles who love her to bits. She is blessed, as am I.

I have friends who stick by me no matter what, even if at times I don't give much back.

I have a crazy lovely cat.

I have a roof over my head and food in my belly and shoes on my feet. I have books. I have music.

I have all I need.

This week, I'm not saying For Fish Fingers' Sake. I'm saying Fabulous, Fantastic, Sublime. Because that is what my life is.

And so very, very lucky.

There have been so many times this week when I have thought, "There but for the grace of God, go I".

To all those whose lives have been altered in indescribably awful ways this week, I am thinking of you. My heart breaks for you. And I am grateful for what I have because of you.

Thank You.

~ Love, Miss Cackle x

PS For more FFS funnies, go to


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