


It was the best compliment someone had ever given to Tiger.

We are often told how cute she is, how smiley, how cool she looks in her little sunnies, how amazing her eyes are. We're used to that, and we know each of these comments is true - Tiger is an adorably quirky-looking baby , and a very happy one. We know that and we are proud of her happiness and her funny eccentricity. 

But the best compliment Tiger received was not about her looks or her sunny personality.

We were walking down the Very Long Road together and we passed an older man and his dog, sitting by the chemist. He smiled broadly at me and at Tiger. "Hello," he said to her, and to me he said, "She's an inquisitive little thing, isn't she?"

My heart swelled. Because it's true. Tiger is inquisitive. She's curious about the world, fascinated by everything: trees, flowers, birds, grass, carpet, shiny things, Mummy's necklaces, her own feet. Everything is amazing to Tiger. She loves exploring and discovering and working out how things tick.

I am unbelievably proud of this and I love watching her do it.

"Yes she is," I replied to the man. "Thank you."

He smiled again at Tiger and tipped his hat at me and I walked away hugging my little girl even more tightly.

She is cute. She is happy. But it's her ardent interest in the world around her; her constant thirst for knowledge that makes me most proud.

My girl is inquisitive. And it's wonderfully lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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