

Tiger is a big Tiger now!

A couple of nights ago I posted about a certain Tiger's night-time acrobatics, which prompted Husband Bear and I to declare the Death Of The Swaddle.

Last night, the swaddle was indeed relegated to the Pile Of Things We No Longer Use But Don't Have The Heart To Get Rid Of (five zero suits! *sobs*).

And Tiger was put in her Big Tiger Sleeping Bag!

And oh! My mother's heart. Simultaneously breaking at the confirmation that my Tiger is no longer a newborn any more, and bursting with pride that she's doing so well and growing up so determinedly ("adjusted age" - pah! I shake my Tiger paw at "adjusted age"!).

Oh, and I couldn't help a little smile too. Because, in her fairy-floss-pink bag, my sleeping Tiger looked not unlike a glow-worm. And I just wanted to grab her back out her cot and cover her with at least a hundred kisses.

But I didn't.

Because she was. Finally. Sleeping!

Of course, in the morning, Tiger had managed to wriggle so much that her suit was entirely back-to-front, but if she hadn't done that she wouldn't be my Tiger. And my Tiger is just so gosh-darn lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


JacintaV said...

Awwww a big bubba girl sleeping bag!

Love the image today too, Sophie's Big Bed is a favourite in our house.

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