

Gardening Grandparents!

Today's lovely thing is a super-dooper Second Family.

Gran and Granda G are my in-laws but, ever since I "stole" their eldest son away, eight years ago, they've felt more like a second family. I couldn't ask for a kinder, funnier, more giving and caring and downright awesome pair of people to have come into my life. Every day, I'm grateful for Gran G's practical advice and wicked sense of humour, and Granda G's quiet thoughtfulness and compassion.

So why are they especially lovely today?

Well, soon we will be moving on from the candy pink house into ... well, we don't know yet, but that's part of the adventure of it. And, before we go, we need to do something about the garden. You see, in the three months we spent in Hobart prior to Tiger's arrival it became somewhat ... wild. It took on the form it wished to. It went rogue. And while I kinda like that - a garden just doing its own crazy thing - prospective buyers probably won't.

And so we need to shipshape it a bit. 

But, with a little Tiger to look after (and sit beneath while she naps), it's hard for us to do it all by ourselves.

And so the Gorgeous Grandparents are coming today with mower and chainsaw and various other gardeny bits and pieces I don't know the names of, because I have writer thumbs not green ones, and they are going to help us make the garden sane again.

It's only the latest in a long line of reasons why my second family are wondrous but, today, it's for this reason they're especially lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


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