

Valentine's Day, Tiger Style

I have never been into Valentine's Day. 

When you're single, Valentine's Day seems to taunt you, rubbing your nose in the love that you DO NOT HAVE.

When you are coupley, V Day is all about PRESSURE. Pressure to do the love thing "right". And, as we all know, there aint no right way to do love. And if there was, it certainly wouldn't involve a bunch of supermarket flowers and a Whitmans Sampler.

When you have a baby, though, the day takes on a new meaning. Because, when you have a child, love itself takes on a new meaning. For the first time, this year, I loved Valentine's Day, because I know now I have the best kind of love there is.

And sure, the day was full of poo incidents, grass-from-fist extractions, gummy eyes, messy rusk cleanups and endless readings of Tiger's current favourite Emily Gravett book (actually, we both really enjoy that last one), but it was by far the best Valentine's Day I've spent.

I'm in love with my girl. And it's lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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