

Housework Blues

I hate housework.

I know, I know this isn't a revelation to anybody who has seen any of my houses, or known me for any extended period of time. And I know that there probably aren't many people in this world who actually do like it, but I don't just not like it.

I actually, actively, intensely loathe it.

I hate vacuuming. I hate dusting. I hate doing washing. I hate washing up. I hate cleaning the toilets. I hate putting the bins out. I hate ironing.

Don't even get me started on changing the bedsheets.

Seriously. Don't.

I actually lie awake in my bed at night, dreading having to do all of it the next day.

And I do, actually, resent the fact that, as part of my Mum job title, I have to do it. I mean, while being a mum is never hard work, it is a full-time job. Plus, I'm meant to be a full-time writer as well. And on top of it, I have to be a cleaning fairy?

It sucks.

Or, at least, I thought it did, until  realised something. 

I realised what the alternative would be. 

The alternative to having to do housework would be having to do out-of-house-work. 

And I fully, fully, fully support parents who go off to work. After all, I do work. I'm just lucky that I get to do my work from the home. With Tiger.

Yep, I hate washing and washing up and dusting, but, when I do it while singing and chatting to Tiger, it's much less horrible.

Everything is less horrible when done with Tiger.

So yes, I am being a complainy-pants, when really I have nothing to complain about. Because vacuuming might not be lovely. But being with Tiger is. And, if that's the trade-off, I'm happy to take it.

~ Love, Miss Cackle (who still hates housework) x


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