

The Needle and the Damage Done

Today, Tiger will be having her six month immunisations.

I am scared.

It is the first time that Tiger and I will be doing the needle stuff all by our little selves. Prior to today, Husband Bear has always come with us. He is the sensible one. He is the stoic one. He is the "she'll-be-fine" one.

I am made of mush.

My heart breaks a little bit whenever I see my little girl in pain. I hate it when she cries. My entire body aches with her.

But I have to be strong. I have to be smiley and happy and not-at-all-how-I-actually-feel-which-is-terrified.

Tiger needs this.

She needs me to be the tough one. Guess this is what being a "grown-up" is about, huh? I always wondered about that ...

Yesterday, the immunisation debate was all over the news. I winced every time I saw or read something about it. It was a constant reminder of what Tiger will go through today.

But I winced more when I heard the statistic that one in twelve Australian children today is not vaccinated. 

I always say I respect the rights of parents to choose how they raise their child, but that figure does frighten me. Because the choice to not vaccinate your child doesn't only affect your child. It affects other children. Selfishly, I think, it might affect my Tiger.

Vaccination is so important. A world where vaccines do not exist is a hellish one.

Which is why, even though it will break my heart to see that big needle jabbing into my tiny girl; why it will devastate me to see her in pain, today we're going to get the needle. Because the damage done if we don't is far worse.

And afterwards, we will go for a walk and have some food and have a play and a cuddle, and Cackle Mummy will make everything lovely again. Because that is my job.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


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