

A Very Bad Thing (A sort-of FFS post)

Yesterday, a Very Bad Thing happened to Miss Tiger and her Cackle Mummy. 

Prior to Tiger, this Very Bad Thing might have been brushed off by Cackle Mummy as Just One Of THOSE Things, instead of a Very Bad One, but since Tiger, every thing has a different meaning, and this one was definitely Very Bad.

The VBT happened while Tiger and I were having our daily walk, down to the tramsheds.

The walk was an especially lovely one, full of sunbeams and tweeting birds and songs about frogs that go la-di-da-di-da (very sorry if this is now stuck in your head for all eternity as it was in mine yesterday). Tiger wore her new spunky sunnies and sunhat and looked quite the thing. She giggled and whipped her little head from side to side, taking it all in.

We even saw a tram at Inveresk. The driver waved at us and Tiger waved back (with a little bit of help from Mummy).

It was all so very lovely until ...

The nasty man.

The same nasty man who upset Tiger a few weeks ago. This time, he didn't try and push Tiger and Cackle Mummy over but he did yell at us, and he woke a Tiger who had just started to doze after her big adventure.

He upset Tiger very much indeed. So much so that, for the rest of the journey home, Tiger was quite ... vocal about her upset.

People looked. Some horrid Other Mummies with blonde hair and fancy prams even laughed at Tiger and Cackle Mummy (shakes fist at these Other Mummies).

And no matter what Cackle Mummy did, Tiger was still sad.

FFS (in the candy pink house, this means For Fishfinger's Sake).

So what in all of this is lovely?

Well, after Tiger and Cackle Mummy finally arrived home (just before the BIG STORM - Hurrah!), Mummy helped Tiger out of her Tiger Transportation Vehicle (AKA Baby Bjorn), and lay Tiger down on the floor and started singing to Tiger (it may or may not have been Robbie Williams' Angels), and, after no more than a minute, Tiger was smiling (very sleepily), again.

And Mummy was so proud of her brave, resilient girl.

And, after a Big Sleep, Tiger woke with a smile on her face, VBT all forgotten, and the rest of the day was extraordinarily lovely.

And I thought: There's something to learn here. When Very Bad Things happen, it's quite fine to cry a bit, even if people stare or laugh at you. But then you should sing a bit (I recommend Robbie Williams), maybe have a sleep ...

And then smile again.

~ Love, Miss Cackle

PS, FFS Friday is done wonderfully at Dear Baby G and Mrs Smyth Gets a Life.


Anonymous said...

Singing some Robbie fixes pretty much everything!

Miss Cackle said...

Keep Calm and sing, "Me and my monkey" :o)

Miss Cackle said...

Keep Calm and sing, "Me and my monkey" :o)

Unknown said...

I felt like I just read a beautifully written story :) I wish there was illustrations too! So sorry about the VBT and the Nasty Man. Hope you've both had a lovely week x

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