

A Big Day of Lovely!

I did not write up a Lovely yesterday. This was not because there was no Lovely to write. It was simply because Tiger and Husband Bear and I were too busy DOING ALL OF THE LOVELY!

And yesterday's Lovely is not actually about Tiger! Well, of course, it is a BIT about Tiger, because everything in life is a BIT about Tiger. But it is mostly about other special people. And it does not begin in 2012. Oh no, in fact, this Lovely begins way back in 1994!

It begins when a small girl with curly dark hair bailed up a very shy and frightened Mini Miss C and asked her if she was "Mrs Lovell's Daughter?" and revealed that Mini Miss C's teacher mum had asked her class to be very nice to her meek and scared-witless little grade seven daughter. 

The small girl with the dark hair was Shelley, and her courage and kindness in approaching me was the beginning of a friendship which is now on its way to being two decades long! This friendship also provided me with another of the most special people in my life. 

Her name is Rachel. It took two years after becoming friends with Shelley before I really got to know Rachel. Of course, I knew who she WAS - everybody knew the beautiful, talented girl with the amazing voice and the gentle heart and the big blue-green eyes - but I was always a bit afraid of her, because she was wondrous and I was still a scared little thing.

But in grade nine we became friends and it was with her, and Shelley, and another friend called Chloe, that I experienced some of the happiest moments of my young life. These memories often involved salsa, Doritos, The Spice Girls, Take That and Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, but always involved the four of us being crazy, silly, carefree young dudettes, before life got enormous and scary and real.

But what has all this got to do with yesterday?

Well, within a fortnight of each other, two of those young girls - Rache and Shel - had two little precious poppets (Chloe had her own, magic little boy a couple of years ago), and Tiges and I went up to visit the four of them.

And oh!

Sophie and Jake are just bliss. They are so tiny (surely Tiges was never that small), and sweet and kissable and perfect and I am so utterly proud of the mums those young girls have become. I'm so grateful I'm still friends with them so many years on and that we have just produced a whole new generation of Us. I hope that our little loves will grow up to be close friends. They probably won't listen to Take That (although, with us as parents, they may well do!), but they'll have their own secret codes and shared sayings and in-jokes, and it will be amazing watching them grow and thrive and live and love together.

I got all teary, on the way home, at all the Circle of Life stuff. It's just magic.

Tiger also met her Auntie Barbara and Cousin Kate yesterday, and she had marvellous huggles with Gran and chats with Granda and, despite teething and tiredness, she only grizzled slightly right at the end of the day when her little self was beyond exhausted.

I was so darned proud of my little girl.

So yesterday was jam-packed with lovely. Family, friends, my Tiger and my Husband Bear, the coast where I grew up, and the sense that everything was just right with the world.

And sniffle-inducingly lovely.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


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