There aren't too many bad things in my life. How can there be? I get to spend all day with a glorious Tiger, the weather is sublime, I have books to read, CDs to listen to ...
But there are just a couple of slightly less than lovely things going on at the moment. Things that put the Fish in For Fish Fingers Sake. Here they are:
Parenting with glandular fever is hard. FFS
Parenting with migraines that have re-emerged is also hard. FFS
Parenting with glandular fever and migraines and a baby who has decided she doesn't want to sleep much due to teething is especially hard (though she is delightful when she's awake but NEEDS SLEEP). FFS
My new Taylor Swift CD appears to be faulty. FFS
I forgot to buy washing liquid at the supermarket yesterday, so I have to drag my glandular-fevery-migrainy bottom out to the shops today at some point. FFS
Thatisall. That is the bad stuff. And I'm letting it all go, because that's my mantra for this year and also because concentrating on the good stuff is so much nicer. And the good stuff is a cuddly, sleeping (for now) Tiger on my belly, a cup of hot-ish coffee beside me, and a day of sunbeams ahead of me.
In fact, FAALS.
(For Actual, Awesomesauce Loveliness' Sake)
~ Love, Miss Cackle x
P.S. For more (hilarious) FFS, go to
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