

Every Little Thing Gonna Be All Right

There are times - often - when I worry I'm doing a bad job as a mum.

These worries mostly occur when I think about Tiger's daytime naps, which are still sporadic and still occur not in her bed but on top of me.

I worry I'm denying her the skill of being able to settle herself in a bed during the day (though she does a great job of it at night time).

There are also little things that make me question myself, on a day-to-day basis, like when Tiger gives herself a little scratch on the nose because I've missed a sharp fingernail, or when I knock something over and think "what would have happened if I'd knocked that on to Tiger"?

These are the thoughts that keep me up at night, the thoughts that occupy my mind and make me think "Deadbeat Mum".

But yesterday, as I shared with him one of my latest anxieties, Daddy Bear said something that shook me up and changed my perception of what really constitutes a worry.

"Twelve months ago," he said, "when we didn't even know if Tiger was going to make it, if you could see into the future and see that your biggest problem would be Tiger not sleeping well during the day, and that this bothered you so much, you would have thought, 'what a bloody idiot'."

Daddy Bear's words hit home. The fact that Tiger isn't a great daytime sleeper?

Not. A. Big. Deal. Not when you compare it with the struggle she went through to get here. She'll grow out of it. she gets to grow out of it because she is alive. She is also healthy and happy and, in the end, that's actually all that matters.

Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing gonna be all right.

It will be. Because Tiger is here. She is alive. And she is lovely.
~ Love, Miss Cackle x


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