


Today's lovely thing actually happened yesterday. But I'm still grinning ear-to-ear!

After months (actually, probably more like weeks but it feels like months), of "Dadadadadad", yesterday Tiger FINALLY SAID "MUM"!

And I know it's just a vocal noise. I know she isn't actually saying "mum", but it made me think of a time, not too far in the future, when she will say "mum", properly. And I don't care if the rest of the sentence is "Mum, where are my shoes?" or "Mum, I don't like carrots!" or "Mum, go away! You're annoying me!"

Because - though it may not feel like it at the time - every one of those sentences will be precious. Because it means Tiger is here, alive and well, and I have the supreme privilege of being her mum.

And yesterday, when she said it for the first time, it was yet another reminder of how lovely a thing that is.

~ Love, Miss Cackle


JacintaV said...

Gorgeous. My Miss E says "dadadadada" and "mumumumumumum" which I find truly lovely as my Miss A said many, many, many things before she said anything that resembled "mum"

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